Title: The Aluminum Pax Challenge
DATE: 2024-01-27
AO: Eagle’s Nest
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Slice Strat Wax On Mac
FNGs: None
Clear, full moon, slight breeze, and humid
Small crew in the gloom this morning, and lack of sleep for at least 60% of the Pax, but everyone put in the killer effort
All the warm-ups. Did I mention it was a bit chilly? We did side straddle hop, arm circles, overhead claps, imperial walkers, copperhead squats, good mornings, and shoulder taps.
Toned down a bit from the IPC workout that almost killed us.
Planted two flags equidistant between the light poles, so 10-15 yards between each stop, 3 stops total. Basic gist is MOTs to flag and back to start do 5 perfect merkins, then to second flag, reps, back to start, 5 merkins, then out to other light pole, reps, and back to start, and 5 merkins. That’s one round. It looked like this:
MOT to flags is Blockless Murder Bunnies, MOT back is defensive shuffle.
Round 1: 10 Psycho Burpees at each stop
Round 2: 15 Bobby Hurleys
Round 3: 20 Boat Canoes
This got everyone on the Struggle Bus, and YHC could barely catch a breath.
Next was “The Rotary Phone Club”.
Everyone gets a chance to Q, and picks an exercise and the reps. P1 goes, then P2, then P1. Then P3, P2, P1. Then P4, P3, P2, P1, etc until each person has gotten to their exercise. Then, P1 drops of and it goes P5, P4, P3, P2, then P5, P4, P3, etc.
This way, everyone does their exercise the same amount of time.
Mac (Brandon) thought we were stopping once we got to P5, and sadistically had called 6-to-2 Motivators even though Strat had already called SSH. 6-yo-2 adds up to 80 SSH per round, and we did 5 rounds. Calves were about ready to call up the union and go on strike.
YHC called for more Perfect Merkins, Slice did American hammers, and Wax On prescribed punches in squat position.
Had a few minutes left, so we did butterfly sit-ups, box cutters, and one-legged hip bridges with a clap.
2nd F lunch next Friday
Everyone that showed had put in their HC, and so I mentioned that the HC, while definitely a help to the Q so he knows he won’t be flying solo, is really for the PAX. It takes a little courage to hit that button and commit to showing up. When you don’t, it’s easier to make excuses. It’s all about the accountability.