F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-the-furnace PPL Machine Mk. 2


Date: 2024-07-20
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Chicken scratch
PAX: Capsized, Stroop, No Yak, Wrecking Ball, Woody, Ziploc, Paddywhack FNGs: None

Stretches for quads and shoulders and hips during the opening speech Imperial Walkers (IC 4-is-1)
Windmills (IC 2-is-1?)
Smurf Jacks (IC)
Burpees (OYO)
Split into groups of 3. Each member of the group of 3 completes one of the Push, Pull, or Leg exercise at each station. (so as a team 1 does Push, one does Pull, one does Legs) AMRAP for 90 seconds
Tally reps and declare winner
Mosie to the next part of the park and switch it up at the next station. (if you did push then do something else this time). The Stations:
1) West
push – dips
pull – croc rows (with weight)
legs – Squats

2) Southeast
push – overhead press (with weight)
pull – rows
legs – bulgarian split squats

3) Northeast
push – wide “grip” merkins
pull – corncob pull ups
legs – dumbbell swings
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Safford work day
Wrecking Ball thankful for family in Guatemala getting closer and being safe Capsized mother in law health
No Yak house under contract

Tags: ao-the-furnace, Capsized, Stroop, No Yak, Wrecking Ball, Woody, Ziploc, Paddywhack