Date: 2025-01-20
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Chicken scratch
PAX: Capsized, Wrecking Ball, hooligan, Mater, Frogman (Phillip), Valium? (Gabe) FNGs: 1 Valium? (Gabe)
15 – Side Straddle Hops 4 is 1 IC
10 – Tempo Merkins
10 – Flutter Kicks 2 is 1 IC
10 – LBAC 4 is 1 IC
10 – Flapjack
10 – Knoxville Cherry Pickers
40 – Second Samson Hold
PHELPS it out
10 – Willie Mayes Hayes
Tha Thang!
PAX Completed 5 Burpees, 5 BBSUs, 5 Heels to Heaven and 5 Lunges. Then we ran to the tree and repeated. Squat Hold for the 6.
PAX Completed 10 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 10 Mountain Climbers (2is1), 10 Shoulder Taps. Then we ran to the tree and repeated – Squat Hold for the 6.
PAX then Completed 15 Burpees, 15 Air Squats, 15 Freddy Mercuries, and 15 Box Cutters. You guessed it, then we ran to the tree and repeat – Squat Hold for the 6. We circled up, and did 4 sets of 10 Burpees for a nice even 100 for the day. Then we each did an extra 10 Burpee to remember cardinal
There was no time for Mary! Thankfully Cardinal planned a lot of core into his VQ.: COT:
Wrecking Ball for nervous system stuff in the back in arms, Capsized for safe delivery
Thankful for release of hostages and praying for more releases.
Tags: ao-the-furnace, Capsized, Wrecking Ball, hooligan, Mater, Frogman (Phillip), Valium? (Gabe)
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