Date: 2025-02-11
AO: ao-the-union
Q: Wreck-it Ralph
PAX: Yaris, Wax On, Wheelie, Paddywhack, Audit, Corn Stock (Garth) FNGs: None
F3: Sesame Street
Warm up:
Big Bird arm circles x10
Flap Jack x10
Seal claps x10
Overhead claps x10
Elevated knees x10
Posterior foot touches x10
The Thang: Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Indigenous peoples run with Cindy passed along around the baseball fields to find Sesame Street!
Partner up!
PAX 1 Farmer Carry Cindy to bathrooms and back. Look for the street and show PAX 2 how to get there!
While PAX 2 does as many reps as they can of the following exercises. Swapping when PAX 1 returns.
unsophisticated country persons walk
Side straddle hops
Calf raises
Flutter leg movements (ran out of time)
Repeat until time!
Turns out, we were on the street the whole time!
Polar plunge incoming! Keep a lookout!
Prayer for Wax On’s teens and springs break, pray for Tim’s fight with ADOT, T-Clap for wheelie’s health, and pray for Audits 2.0 cookie sales!
Tags: ao-the-union, Yaris, Wax On, Wheelie, Paddywhack, Audit, Corn Stock (Garth)
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