F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-eagles-nest Dude, Hurry up!


Date: 2025-03-01
AO: ao-eagles-nest
Q: Wheelie
PAX: Wreck-it Ralph, Dovetail, Blip, Audit, Broccoli, Spike, Squash (Donn Hines), Strat, Foxtrot, Waterboy, Common Core, Buckshot FNGs: None
Good mornings
Arm circles fwd/flapjack
Overhead claps
High knees
Side straddle hops

Formed a circle and each PAX member in turn becomes “the dude” that took their turn taking their sweet time with these exercises. Weapons included 50lb exercise bag, Cindy, dumbbells of various weight. Round 1: Rifle carry weapon of their choice for 40yds
Round 2: Pull-through weapon of their choice 10R and 10L for most of us Round 3: Thrusters with weapon of their choice
Round 4: Single arm carry with weapon of their choice for 40yds

While we waited on the dude, everybody else performed a large number of exercises pulled randomly from a card deck: Freddy Mercuries
Scissor squats
Bird dogs
Spider-Man merkins
Extended planks
Switch kicks
Side planks/raises
Cross-toe touches
Flamingo squats
Xman crunches
American hammers
Butt kickers
Twist up planks
Single leg burpees
Strongman flex
Jumping jack merkins
Single leg deadlifts
High knees
Spider-Man planks
Crucifix merkins
Cross planks
Body rocks
Running side straddle hops
Hip bridges
Tuck jumps

Seriously, what the heck were those dudes doing!!

Improvement notes:
Larger groups should have multiple dudes rather than each PAX member in turn. Hand pick fewer exercises conducive to making it all the way around the pax so that the back blast isn’t so wordy that nobody will read it.

First Friday lunch on March 7
Polar plunge sponsored by Wax On coming up. Details coming soon.

Prayed for
Wreck-it Ralph with newly adopted kiddos.
Leaders for our country and churches
Dovetail and Wheelie’s wives flying home today.

Tags: ao-eagles-nest, Wreck-it Ralph, Dovetail, Blip, Audit, Broccoli, Spike, Squash (Donn Hines), Strat, Foxtrot, Waterboy, Common Core, Buckshot

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