Date: 2025-02-01
AO: ao-eagles-nest
Q: Audit
PAX: Dovetail, Corn Stock (Garth), Squash (Donn Hines), Blender, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Strat, Foxtrot, Buckshot FNGs: None
Motivators 9-5
Arm circles
Seal claps
Overhead claps
Bolt 45s
Copperhead merkins
Lap around play ground
Indian run to north east corner of park – back man drops for 5 merkins and 5 squats
Parter exercises in the theme of 10.2.10s
Exercises: Squnges / Mike Tyson Merkins / Freddie mercuries (2is1)
Started with 4.2.4 – P1 rests while P2 performs 4 reps of each exercise then switch. Down to 2 and back up to 4.
Active rest once all are done: 5 burpees, run (approx 40yards ) 5 burpees, run back. P2 is doing continual SSH waiting for P1 to return and then switch.
Kept going up the ladder by 2 for exercises and down by 2 for each burpee run
6.2.6 with 8 total burpee
8.2.8 with 6 total burpee
10.2.10 with 4 total burpees
First F lunch this Friday – details to come
McKay family and there expedited fostering/adopting
Families impacted by the recent plane tragedies
Tags: ao-eagles-nest, Dovetail, Corn Stock (Garth), Squash (Donn Hines), Blender, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Strat, Foxtrot, Buckshot