F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-eagles-nest 7am Square of Freedom


Date: 2024-12-07
AO: ao-eagles-nest
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Squash (Donn Hines), Blip, Strat, Wheelie, Corn Stock (Garth), Sandtrap, Waterboy, Buckshot, Foxtrot (Archie) FNGs: 1 Foxtrot (Archie)
A beautiful if a bit cool morning. EC at 6:30 – ruck with YHC, Wheelie, and Sandtrap, leading into a first-for-Eagle’s-Nest start time of 7am to take advantage of the light.

Started out with a mosey around the track, with 4 pauses for merkins and Carolina Dry Docks along the way. Then did some Copperhead Squats, Imperial Walkers, and Crab Toe Touches.

4 stations. Station 1 pushes when finished and everyone rotates. Station 1:
– 45 prisoner squats
– army crawl
– 45 one-leg squat toe touches.

Station 2: R&R until pushed.
– 12 diamond merkins
– 24 butterfly situps
– 12 Chuck Norris merkins

Station 3. R&R until pushed.
– 25 side lunges
– 25 v-ups
– 25 Bonnie Blairs (jumping lunges)

Station 4. R&R until pushed.
– 12 capoiera merkins (start on L side, L leg straight, raise hip off the ground, merkin. This is about 80% on the back arm) – 24 pickle pounders
– 24 curls for the girls (choose your own weight)

One-leg bridges, X-Man Crunch, American Hammers

– Welcome to Foxtrot (Archie), EH’d by Blip So named for his daily 2 hours of walking habit. Welcome! – Krampus is coming December 20-21

COT: prayed us out

Tags: ao-eagles-nest, Squash (Donn Hines), Blip, Strat, Wheelie, Corn Stock (Garth), Sandtrap, Waterboy, Buckshot, Foxtrot (Archie)