F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-eagles-nest Cardinal – Kind Down to His Bones!


Date: 2025-01-11
AO: ao-eagles-nest
Q: CareBear
PAX: Dovetail, Wax On, Wreck-it Ralph, Audit, Corn Stock (Garth), Strat, Spike, Copper Top, Foxtrot, Band Camp FNGs: 1 Band Camp
We are F3 Nation!

The mission of F3 is to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”

F3 is…
•Free of charge.
•Open to all men.
•Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.
•Led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary. •Ends with a Circle of Trust.

CareBear gave the disclaimer. All 6 PAX fell for it and agreed to stay.

Thanks for the patience in posting this, I know its late!

Epic EC with Wreck-it Ralph and Audit! Way to Go HIMS!

15 – Side Straddle Hops 4 is 1 IC
10 – Tempo Merkins
10 – Flutter Kicks 2 is 1 IC
10 – LBAC 4 is 1 IC
10 – Flapjack
10 – Knoxville Cherry Pickers
40 – Second Samson Hold
PHELPS it out
10 – Willie Mayes Hayes

Tha Thang!

PAX Completed 5 Burpees, 5 BBSUs, 5 Heels to Heaven and 5 Lunges. Then we ran to the light pole only to return and do that circuit again. Squat Hold for the 6.

PAX Completed 10 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 10 Mountain Climbers (2is1), 10 Shoulder Taps. Then we ran to the light pole only to return and do that circuit again. Squat Hold for the 6.

PAX then Completed 15 Burpees, 15 Air Squats, 15 Freddy Mercuries, and 15 Box Cutters. You guessed it, then we ran to the light pole only to return and do that circuit again. Squat Hold for the 6.

We circled up, Held a Squat for 10 Seconds, then PAX did 20 Burpees. (80 Burpees so far!)

We were able to do some Flutter Kicks, Copper Top’s very difficult side kickers, Dovetail’s Hips Maneuver, We did some spelling with our abs and feet and Cat Poses!


CareBear prayed us out!

This one is special. I am so thankful I had the Q today! I am so thankful for you HIMS in my life. Thanks for coming to the Workouts. Thanks for doing life with me. I am humbled to be part of this thing in Tucson. Honored to help lead.

Check out this Article!


Welcome @BandCamp!

Wreck-it Ralph added you to our F3 family one year ago today! (well, Saturday…)

Q Failed. No Boyband, Name-o-Rama is to big to send digitally. Maybe Dovetail will post?

Tags: ao-eagles-nest, Dovetail, Wax On, Wreck-it Ralph, Audit, Corn Stock (Garth), Strat, Spike, Copper Top, Foxtrot, Band Camp