Date: 2024-03-30
AO: ao-eagles-nest
Q: Wax On
PAX: Squash (Donn Hines), Audit, Mac (Brandon), Spike, Strat, Watermelon Wings, Click FNGs: None
Warmup was a little loosey-goosey but we did about 10 of these things I think. Michael Phelps
Okinawa Drum Arm Swings
Fighting Stance Leg Swings
Hip Openers
YHC gave a brief intro and then we got into it. Using an old-school bingo spinner, the Pax rotated through and selected a ball, which translated to a workout move. I’ll post the full list of exercises here for backblast harvesting. The exercises drawn by the pax will be posted below.
The number indicates how many of each move to do, or how many seconds to hold the move. The pax who draws it calls it. All exercises are 1 is 1, and if a move indicates 100, then it’s to the second light pole and back. If somebody gets a Bingo – they rest while the pax does 10 merkins. If somebody gets a Blackout – they rest while the pax does 10 burpees.
B1 Bropee
B2 1 arm Merkin (1es)
B3 Kraken Burpee
B4 Archer Merkins
B5 Hand Clap Merkin
B6 6 to 1 motivators
B7 Diamond Merkin
B8 Peter Parker Merkin
B9 Burpee
B10 Chuck Norris Merkin
B11 R Leg Up Merkin
B12 L Leg Up Merkin
B13 Copperhead Merkin
B14 Ranger Merkin
B15 Wide Arm Merkin
I16 Copperhead Squat
I17 Sumo Squat
I18 Jumping Lunge
I19 Box Cutter
I20 Hand Release Merkin
I21 Big Boy Situps
I22 Merkin
I23 Makhtar N’Diayes
I24 Full body Jack
I25 American Hammer
I26 Reverse Lunge
I27 Bottom Half Squat
I28 Low Slow Squat
I29 Windmill
I30 Carolina Dry Dock
N31 Prisoner Squat
N32 Alt V-ups
N33 Knee Down Merk
N34 Frankenstein
N35 Smurf Jack
N36 Lunge
N37 Apolo Onos
N38 Heels 2 Heaven
N39 Squat Hold
N40 OH Claps
N41 Seal Claps
N42 Jump Squat
N43 Plank Jack
N44 Air Squat
N45 Arm Circles
G46 – WW2 Situp
G47 – Slow Flutter 1is1
G48 – Morocan Night Club
G49 – Oblique Crunch
G50 Luge (knee 2 chest crunch)
G51 – Rosalita
G52 Shoulder Tap
G53 Freddie Mercury
G54 American Hammer
G55 Star Jump
G56 Penguin
G57 High Plank
G58 Alt Side Squat
G59 – Lil Baby Crunch
G60 – Flutter kicks 1is1
O61 – Mtn Cimber 1is1
O62 Low Plank
O63 Squat
O64 Side Plank 32/sde
O65 Al Gore
O66 Calf Raise
O67 Monkey Humper
O68 – Butt Kick 100m
O69 – High Knee 100m
O70 – Bearcrawl 100m
O71 – Lunge 100m
O72 – Backpedal 100m
O73 – Karaoke 100m
O74 – Sprint 100m
O75 – Side Stradel Hop
Whichever divine being is in charge of luck decided it was leg day, as the pax pulled multiple quad burners and most of us were starting to ride the struggle bus by the end. The exercises drawn were:
B2 1 arm Merkins (1es)
B7 Diamond Merkin
B14 Ranger Merkin
B15 Wide Arm Merkin
I17 Sumo Squat
I18 Jumping Lunge
I21 Big Boy Situps
I23 Makhtar N’Diayes
I24 Full body Jack
I25 American Hammer
I27 Bottom Half Squat
I28 Low Slow Squat
I29 Windmill
N34 Frankenstein
N35 Smurf Jack
N36 Lunge
N37 Apolo Onos
N38 Heels 2 Heaven
N43 Plank Jack
N44 Air Squat
N45 Arm Circles
G46 – WW2 Situp
G50 Luge (knee 2 chest)
G53 Freddie Mercury
G55 Star Jump
G60 – Flutter kicks 1is1
O62 Low Plank
O65 Al Gore
O66 Calf Raise
O69 – High Knee 100m
On the 30th move, Spike got a Bingo. YHC thinks it’s a good thing we didn’t try CareBear’s Lucky Rucker event based on the luck displayed by the pax this morning.
MARY: Included throughout the workout.
2nd F lunch at 11 on Friday (04/05) at the Mod Pizza on Broadway. 6351 E Broadway Blvd Suite 129, Tucson, AZ 85710
WOW: Instead of a poem, today YHC introduced everybody to the Harvard Study of Adult Development and will link a video in the replies that everybody should watch. It’s a 85 year study of the lives of over 700 men that they tracked from youth till death (20 guys in their 90’s are still alive and participating). The short version is that the best life outcomes came from the men who pursued relationships, not the ones who went after money power, or fame. Watch the video linked below, it’s worth a few minutes of your life.
COT: Ended with a prayer to God Almighty for the men shield locked beside me, gaining strength from one another in the gloom, and that our fellowship would continue.
Tags: ao-eagles-nest, Squash (Donn Hines), Audit, Mac (Brandon), Spike, Strat, Watermelon Wings, Click