F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-eagles-nest Oldie but a Goodie


Date: 2025-01-18
AO: ao-eagles-nest
Q: Audit , Corn Stock (Garth)
PAX: Dovetail, Croak, Squash (Donn Hines), Blip, Strat, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Slice, Foxtrot, Buck Shot FNGs: None
Oldie but a Goodie
@audit led warm up and the first element of the BD and then @corn stock took lead for the main thing.
Lots of dead grass was taken from the park this morning on the backs of the pax. So much was taken in fact that @dovetail wondered why no one had vacuumed the grass in such a long time…..


Good mornings
Fast start – Thunderstruck – SSH with a squat for every Thunder in the song through first 3 and a half minutes and then switch to a burpee for every thunder for the final minute and a half.


Pin Ball Indian Run – pinball between obstacles (trees/light pole/trash can/ etc..) in Indian run style. (We started in formation but by the 4th round it turned into a swarm where we chose who led to the next destination ). Run couldnt end until everyone led to a new location and led a workout with a rep count of 10. Much of the park was covered until we finished at the far baseball diamond.

B- Burpees – 50
O- Overhead Claps – 100
M- Merkins – 150
B- BBSU – 200
S- Squats – 250

Partner workout. P1 works the reps while P2 ran the bases and then switch until cumulative reps are met.

Knobloch job
Peaceful transition of leadership
@Wreck it Ralph and kids

Tags: ao-eagles-nest, Dovetail, Croak, Squash (Donn Hines), Blip, Strat, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Slice, Foxtrot, Buck Shot