Date: 2025-03-08
AO: ao-eagles-nest
Q: Blender
PAX: Dovetail, CareBear, Wreck-it Ralph, Corn Stock (Garth), Blender, Wheelie, Wax On, Blip, Audit, Strat, @foxtrot, @waterboy, @smallfry, @buckshot, , None FNGs: 1 None
WARMUP: We went around picking our favorite warmups such as good mornings, merkins, burpees, side straddle hops, arm circles, and squats.
THE THANG: we played the f3 national game “when animals attack” this involved a marked off area with cones and we picked a predator the rest were prey and the predator had to tag a person using bearcrawls, worm, crabwalk, running with arms out like airplane, frog jumps and squats. Then when a person was tagged the predator picked from a menu of exercise that everyone did together. These were jacked up, alarm clock, Peter Parker push-ups, flamingo merkins, rockette hillbillies, burner, chilly Jack, and freddy mercuries. Then then prey would begin with a new chase.
MARY: a series of ab exercises such as big boys, flutter kicks, box cutters, and others. ANNOUNCEMENTS: stay tuned for f3 highway cleanup next week March 15.
COT: prayer request for Wheelie safe travels for him and wife going on a cruise. Wax On wife traveling with some of his kids and for patience with the other ones left behind with him. Blender teacher patience as students finish school and for districts to get their act together with budget decisions. Apologies if I missed any.
Tags: ao-eagles-nest, Dovetail, CareBear, Wreck-it Ralph, Corn Stock (Garth), Blender, Wheelie, Wax On, Blip, Audit, Strat, @foxtrot, @waterboy, @smallfry, @buckshot, , None
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