F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-special-events It’s Superbowl Convergence Time


Date: 2025-02-08
AO: ao-special-events
Q: Dovetail , CareBear, Wreck-it Ralph
PAX: Blip, Juan Valdez, Strat, CareBear, Wreck-it Ralph, Wrecking Ball, Mr. Roboto, Capsized, Copper Top, Cowbell (Ray Salcido), Paddywhack, Sticks, Corn Stock (Garth), BeWell (Jorge), Philip Hendricks, Waterboy, Buckshot, Foxtrot FNGs: None
What a beautiful day for some football (or something resembling it)!

Wreck-It Ralph had the warm-ups and gave us all sore shoulders, which was good. Arm circles, a million claps, amd 7-to-1 motivators got everyone woken up THE THANG:

Practice round
1. Starting Position: Teams line up at one end of the field. Each team has a football.
2. Progressing the Ball: Players advance the ball by completing bodyweight exercises.
Whole team performs the exercise, then tosses the ball to the next teammate in line.
3. Penalties: If the ball is dropped, you do 5 of the exercise you just did, and ball goes back to the thrower.
Exercise Progressions (example, adjust based on fitness level): • 5 carolina dry docks → toss the ball forward
• 5 grumpers → toss the ball forward
• 5 primate squats IC → toss the ball forward
• 5 squnges → toss the ball forward
• 5 sit-ups → toss
Let the Game Begin
• Coin Toss & Kick Off
• 2 completions for a first down, 4 downs until turnover
• Ever play, the defense does 5 reps of the next exercise. Offense huddles in a plank to figure out who the next receiver will be.
• On “hike,” teams have 3-Mississippi to move, then everyone must freeze.
• Dropped ball is a loss of down + doing the last exercise. Interception is a turnover.
• Every touchdown, the ball changes. At least, that was the plan, but nobody scored, so we changed up the projectile every turnover o Football
o Soccer ball
o Yoga ball (didn’t get to it)
o Frisbee
o Spiky ball
o Cindy (ran out of time)

MARY: having too much fun, decided to extend the game.
– Krampus in December
– 2nd F lunch first friday of every month.
– Watch for list of G-ratex renamings of some famous exercises. Send any on your mind to Dovetail. At 2nd F lunch, it was put forward that some of our exercise names (like pickle pounders) are legitimate exercises, but in the name of challenging ourselves toward a purer thought life—something that can be particularly challenging for us men—we could create some alternative names that Qs can use (hence the “primate squats” from today. COT:
– Capsized (new dad)
– Wreck-It Ralph (new father of 2 adopted girls)
– Mr. Roboto (soon-to-be dad)

Had some coffee time after.

Tags: ao-special-events, Blip, Juan Valdez, Strat, CareBear, Wreck-it Ralph, Wrecking Ball, Mr. Roboto, Capsized, Copper Top, Cowbell (Ray Salcido), Paddywhack, Sticks, Corn Stock (Garth), BeWell (Jorge), Philip Hendricks, Waterboy, Buckshot, Foxtrot