Date: 2025-01-16
AO: ao-the-bluff
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Audit, Squash (Donn Hines), Wax On, Wheelie, Sandtrap
FNGs: None
THERE WERE NO MOTIVATORS TODAY! I hope the preblast didn’t scare anyone off, but if it did, you missed out!
We did, however, do Burpivators, Legivators, Armivators, and unfortunately ran out of time for Abivators.
– SSH IC x 25
– Arm circles, overhead claps, seal claps
– Hillbillies
– Some other stuff made up on the spot
First off was a Cindy MOT line. Split into two lines facing each other, one block for each line. The point was for everyone to do AAA step out. Squat, stand up, then hand the block off. Travel was from the playground to the end of the basketball court.
Next was Burpivators.
5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 groiners, 5 star jumps.
Then 4, 3, 2, 1, and back up, 2, 3, 4, 5. This proved to ve fairly aerobically taxing.
Next, did a Cindy rotation game on the basketball court. Everyone put blocks in the center and then spread out to the four corners. Step one was to mosey to the center, pick up a block and then lunge walk with rifle carry to the opposite corner. Drop the block and frog hop clockwise to the next corner. Pick up a block left there previously, and lunge walk with rifle carry back to the center. Drop the block in the center (gently!), then mosey to the opposite corner, whereupon you bear crawl back to your starting corner. Rinse and repeat for a second round.
Legivators next, from 5 to 1 and back to 5.
Exercises (using your support cindy – aside: Squash (Donn Hines) contributed the mental image of dragging Support Cindy through Home Depot on a leash): Squat, Knee strikes (step-ups), cindy swings, and straight-leg deadlifts
Armivators (same count):
Curls for the girls, overhead press, ruh-rows, bench press.
Pretty much out of time, but squeezed in 1 minute of Mary with Glute Bridge Marching.
COT: Prayers for Wax On and Audit with difficult job situations, and for Wreck-it Ralph.
Tags: ao-the-bluff, Audit, Squash (Donn Hines), Wax On, Wheelie, Sandtrap