Date: 2025-01-09
AO: ao-the-bluff
Q: Audit
PAX: Wax On, Dovetail, Blip, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph
FNGs: None
The goal for today was to be in constant movement as the weather in Vail was 30 degrees with a real feel of 21.
Imperial Walkers
Tie Fighters
Copperhead squats
Copperhead merkins
The Thang: Dora style
Split into groups of 2 for our Snowman workout
Snowmen have nice wide bases for stability so we worked legs first. 100 sumo squats with the push being 10 SSH with a run the length of the AO 100 jump squats with the push being 10 Apollo Ohnos
Snowmen also have a nice sculpted core so we hit there next. 125 BBSUs with the push being 10 Imperial Walkers
125 American Hammer with the push being 5 burpees (great idea Wax On !)
Finally snowmen have little upper bodies and little twig arms which we don’t want so we hit upper body hard. 125 Shoulder Taps (2 is 1) with the push being 10 erkins
125 Mike Tyson Merkins with the push being 10 dips.
Combined 700 reps plus all the push exercises means that we accomplished our intent of moving the entire time!
First VBall tournament for Wax On 2.0
Men’s bible studies beginning
Work struggles and upcoming challenges
Tags: ao-the-bluff, Wax On, Dovetail, Blip, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph