F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-the-bluff Jack and Jill went where?


Date: 2025-02-06
AO: ao-the-bluff
Q: Audit
PAX: Wax On, Juan Valdez
FNGs: None
Artificial turf grabbers
Sir Fazio arm circles & flapjack
Copperhead merkins
Mosey to stop sign
Pavement swipers
Copperhead merkins

Jack and Jill went up the Hill so we did too.
Stop at each fire hydrant and the crossing sign for 5 burpees at each stop (15 total). Wax On noted that it’s always colder on the hill which felt good by the end of today.

Jack and Jill fetched a pail of water and lo and behold we found two 2.5 gallon jugs (approx 20lbs a piece according to google) of water at the top of the hill, what a surprise!

Once the water was picked up the pax was advised never to let it hit the ground or we would face the penalty of 3 kraken burpees. The water never touched the ground.

First item:
Pax with water lunge walks from curb to curb in the parking lot while other two pax does ascending bear crawls. Bear crawl and perform 2 derkins, bear crawl back for 4 derkins and so on. Pax with water was push and had to finish 5 laps before passing water.

Second item: Pax with water did continual squats while other two perform drydock inchworms. 3 Carolina drydocks then inchworms out. Rinse and repeat across the parking lot. Jack didn’t fall down and break his crown today but Audit did take a knee for the second half of this and almost lost his lunch or breakfast.

Third item: parking lot suicides. Two suicides for water carrier and then pass. Other 2 members perform continual suicides while waiting for their turn with water.

Walk back down the hill and perform burpees / squats at the three markers coming back down the hill.

2nd F lunch this Friday, look for preblast.

Spring break for Wax On . M and oldest are vacationing together leaving him with the rest and keeping them occupied while he works.

Things come in waves financially for Audit : cars, plumbing…. Prayers for clear minds and agreements with M.

Thanks to Wax On and Juan Valdez for picking me up today, rough in parts today but better for it!

Tags: ao-the-bluff, Wax On, Juan Valdez