Date: 2025-02-13
AO: ao-the-bluff
Q: Wreck-it Ralph
PAX: Wax On, Yaris, Wheelie
FNGs: None
This Q was a farewell Q to the inappropriately named names! Hopefully we got all our giggles out! More importantly, this was much needed prep for V-Day.
Hump-o-rama(hump spiders, monkeys, and gorillas)x23 ea 4 count Arm circles x23
Seal claps x23
Overhead claps x23
Up-downs (to the song “I’ll make love to you”)
The Thang:
PAX 1 does Cocaine Bear crawl across the basketball court and back doing Carolina dry socks at each crack.
While PAX 2 does the following and trades off:
Upper-decker with Cindy x 69
Wood choppers x 69
Dying Cockroach x69
Pickle pounders with Cindy x69
Cindy’s chest press x69
Turkish get ups x 20
BB sit ups with two punches at the top x 20
Penguins x30 2-is-one
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Polar plunge is coming!
COT: prayers for Wreck it Ralphs ex-wife, for Wax On’s upcoming marathon and training, Yaris’s relationship and proposal to his girlfriend tomorrow, and pray for Care bear’s son.
Tags: ao-the-bluff, Wax On, Yaris, Wheelie
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