F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.ยฎ๏ธ

ao-the-furnace โšพ๏ธ๐ŸŽ‡ Opening Day ๐ŸŽ‡โšพ๏ธ


Date: 2024-03-30
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Capsized
PAX: Wrecking Ball, Slice, Capsized, CareBear, Dovetail, BigBrother – Lancaster, OH, Nemo- Southfork CA, Matt (Ziplock) FNGs: 1 Matt (Ziplock)

Good mornings
Willie Mayes Hayes
Fielding Grounders
Snake Run (Go Dbacks!)

Field of Dreams (NL West Style)
Pax paired up and claimed a base to start at. The Team at Home Plate was the timer and completed 10 Rocky Mountain Merkins (Rockies) each and then pitched the wiffleball to each other. Each team member had to get a hit and round the bases before the pax rotated bases. MOT: Bear Crawl b/w bases
1st Base: D-Back Planks
2nd Base: Dodger Dogs
3rd Base: Kayakers (looking for that home run ball over right field wall at the Giants stadium

Pax completed 1 round and Dovetail was not satisfied

F3 Baseball
Each team started at its own base. Teams completed 50 reps of different exercise at each base, and then Bear Crawled to the next base. Each time a team passed the base it started on, it got a point. Points were closely tracked.

Spin the Bat
@Matt – Wanted MORE kayakers!
Slice – Brought the BBSUs!
Wrecking Ball – Flutters Kicks!

2nd F (Fellowship) lunch at MOD Pizza on Broadway at 11am 4/5. Every first Friday!

F3 Tucson Anniversary Beat Down planned for 4/20 at Reid Park!

April Special Event details coming soon. Plan for weekend of the 27th.

IKEA (a passerbyer from Sweden) saw us and joined for some baseball. CareBear spoked to the encouragement it was to see his willingness to seize the day and jump in when the common response is โ€œmaybe next timeโ€. Let us all go out this week in boldness and faith knowing all we have is what is in front of us and trusting God in his plan and timing.

Tags: ao-the-furnace, Wrecking Ball, Slice, Capsized, CareBear, Dovetail, BigBrother – Lancaster, OH, Nemo- Southfork CA, Matt (Ziplock)