Date: 2025-01-06
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Chicken scratch
PAX: Capsized, Wrecking Ball, Double Tap, Mater, Mr. Roboto, Woody, Sockos (sp?) (Chris) FNGs: 1 Sockos (sp?) (Chris)
Pax warmed up (literally) with 7-to-1 motivators. Counting was hard but pax covered for the q confusion well. Add in some LBACs and good mornings and pax were sufficiently warm to begin the beatdown.
The :fire: sale began with 15% off the running portions of Murph for a .85 mile run. What a deal!
The pax then had the bargain of a morning: “buy one get 2 half off!” Pax chose which of the three movements they wanted to pay full price for (100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats). Then the remaining two only needed half the original price. An unexpected “all items must go” (ran out of time to finish reps) sale caused all prices to reduce to zero – except for the final mile.
Mary – an additional 10 burpees for a late start, making America burpee again :flag-us: thanks to Forrest for spreading some good ideas on how to add more burpees to a beatdown.
COT – hooligan and Paddywhack health and rest and Capsized impending fatherhood
Tags: ao-the-furnace, Capsized, Wrecking Ball, Double Tap, Mater, Mr. Roboto, Woody, Sockos (sp?) (Chris)