Date: 2025-01-11
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Chicken scratch
PAX: Gogurt, Double Tap, Woody, Mr. Schneebly, BeWell (Jorge), Paddywhack, Capsized, Mr. Roboto, Socko (Chris), kitty (Andrew) FNGs: None
7-to-1 motivators for warmth
Good mornings
Q struggled with counts – pax recovered the cadence
Format: travel -> exercise -> hold for 6 -> recover and mosey back to start for next round Reps MoT Exercise
1. Thrusters burpees
2. Thrusters burpees
3. Thrusters burpees
5. Thrusters burpees
8. Thrusters burpees
13. Murder bunny burpees
21. Murder bunny burpees
34 Brick layers dips
55. Brick layers curls
89. Lunges. Merkins
MARY: circle ⭕️ leg raises in a ring of fire fashion
Square box cutters
Triangle pose
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Capsized baby coming soonest, more babies on the way from other pax Encouragement from Unplugged (F3 FTX) about the closeness over in Texas. Help me out fellas and post what I’m missing here.
COT: :point_up_2:
Tags: ao-the-furnace, Gogurt, Double Tap, Woody, Mr. Schneebly, BeWell (Jorge), Paddywhack, Capsized, Mr. Roboto, Socko (Chris), kitty (Andrew)