F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-the-furnace Journey to the center of the Murph


Date: 2025-02-24
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Chicken scratch
PAX: Capsized, Wrecking Ball, hooligan, Paddywhack
FNGs: None
The journey consisted of a “half” mile run, followed by 90 seconds of as many reps as possible, Merkins pull-ups and air squats. The center of the Murph consisted of three rounds of ring of fire style squats, Merkens and pull-ups with pull-ups being the core, then we repeated the M wrap with a partner Followed up with a final half. “mile run.

Announcements second F lunch not this Friday but next

Circle of trust thankful for hostages released and praying for more also thankful for Mr. Roboto and his M being new parents

Tags: ao-the-furnace, Capsized, Wrecking Ball, hooligan, Paddywhack

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