Date: 2025-03-08
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Woody
PAX: Capsized, Chicken scratch, Paddywhack, Daffy duck, BeWell (Jorge), Philip Hendricks, Convoy, Woody, Mr. Schneebly, Nick (JigglyPuff) FNGs: 1 Nick (JigglyPuff)
– Tricep / shoulder stretches
– Hillbillies: hands folded together over head, lift each leg up and out in alternating fashion
– 21’s: PAX do first 5 SSH counting together (2-count), then 6-21 silently. If anyone stops early or late, everyone does penalty of choice.
– Tie fighters: Forward LBAC with right knee forward in lunge pose, then Backward LBAC with left knee forward to maintain balance in the force – Copperheaded merkins x10
– Rifle carry cindies to the hill
The Thang
– 11’s up the hill
○ 1 hulk smash squat at bottom
○ Bucket brigade lunge up the hill
○ 10 merkins at the top
○ Backwards run down the hill
○ 2 hulk smash squat at bottom
○ Bear crawl up the hill
○ 9 merkins at the top
○ Rifle carry down the hill
○ Repeat until 1 and 10 have swapped
– X factor: lay in snow angel pose, then raise left arm to meet right leg, both extended fully, repeat in alternating fashion – Wave of merkins (1-5 or whenever Q feels like stopping)
– Windshield wipers: lift legs to 90-deg angle together, move legs to the left until 6in off the ground, then move to the right, keeping legs paired together and at 90-deg
Chicken scratch may need some drywall help soon.
BeWell (Jorge) got the gifted car!
Convoy injury recovery
Daffy duck didn’t get the bomber squadron job but killed his interview!
Tags: ao-the-furnace, Capsized, Chicken scratch, Paddywhack, Daffy duck, BeWell (Jorge), Philip Hendricks, Convoy, Woody, Mr. Schneebly, Nick (JigglyPuff)
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