Date: 2025-02-22
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Wrecking Ball
PAX: Capsized, Paddywhack, Chicken scratch, Philip Hendricks, Cowbell (Ray Salcido), Elliot Wnek, Mr. Schneebly, Stroop, Double Tap, Jackson Pollock (MJ Padua) FNGs: 1 Jackson Pollock (MJ Padua)
“Welcome to F3, it starts and ends on time…”
Walked through the 5 core principles of F3
In Cadence:
10 Good Mornings
10 Grass Grabbers
10 Toy Soldiers
(OYO) Michael Phelps
1/4 mile run as a group
“The Name of the Game”
Do all of the exercises that make up your (FULL) F3 Name:
*White board picture of the alphabet included in the thread.
If needed, take on somebody else’s name(s) until we’re done.
We ended with doing the workouts all together for “Newt” Newt since he HC’d, but was M.I.A. (tons of grace b/c you are in the gloom w/ living on a newborn!)
Paddywhack broke his Cindy, so he did 5 jump-over burpees, while the rest of the pax did 5 regular burpees.
Krampus is coming :sunglasses: :nauseated_face:
“Polar bear plunge is coming” :cold_face:
Prayer for CareBear :heart: :carebear: , + hos family. He serves everybody else so much!!
Prayer for Capsized & his M, baby is 1 month old!
Prayer for Newt and his M + new 2.0!!
Prayer for Mr. Roboto and his M, as they are due w/ their 2.0 any day!
Prayers for all of us, and any unspoken prayers/needs
*Ended with Cafecito + donuts from Le Cave’s (soon to be R.I.P.) :doughnut: :headstone:
Tags: ao-the-furnace, Capsized, Paddywhack, Chicken scratch, Philip Hendricks, Cowbell (Ray Salcido), Elliot Wnek, Mr. Schneebly, Stroop, Double Tap, Jackson Pollock (MJ Padua)
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