Date: 2025-03-01
AO: ao-the-furnace
Q: Capsized
PAX: Wrecking Ball, Woody, Paddywhack, Chicken scratch, BeWell (Jorge), Newt, Capsized, Cowbell (Ray Salcido), Philip Hendricks, Stroop FNGs: None
I am NOT a professional.
YHC revisited how to call exercises.
“Next Exercise is ____ Starting position, move. In cadence. Exercise!”
A few examples of counting can be:
In Cadence (1, 2, 3… 1!)
On command (Down! 1!)
On your own (OYO)
Mosey (.2 miles according to Wrecking Ball’s calculations)
Freedom Twists
Willy Mayes Hayes
Toy Soldiers
YHC dealt specially curated cards with an exercise, call type (IC, OYO, etc) and rep count. While in a circle, Pax 1 Qd his exercise, the Pax 2 Qd his exercise + P1’s exercise. P3 Qd his +P2+P1 and so on. Pax at the beginning of the circle faired better as we didn’t have time to reverse the circle.
This was not merely a physical test. YHC “incentivized” using your head, your mind, and your brain too by letting the pax know there would be a penalty exercise for each time a Q forgot a previous exercise.
Copperhead Squats
Shoulder Taps
American Hammers
Ranger Merkins
Carolina Dry Docks
Hulk Squats
Bonnie Blairs
Bonus Exercises for Mary
The Exercise Formerly known as Monkey Humpers
Freddie Mercurys
Look for the Polar Plunge Announcement in ao-special-events (join the channel for the most up to date info!)
2nd F Lunch 3/7
Woody claimed a March Saturday Q and challenged the pax to fill the other 3 before leaving the circle! :eyes: BeWell (Jorge) Stroop and Chicken scratch stepped up to the challenge! :fire: :sign_of_the_horns: :fire:
Paddywhack stealthily provided the juice for coffeeteria ☕️ :pinched_fingers:
Prayers for wisdom and provision in car searches for BeWell (Jorge) and Cowbell (Ray Salcido)
Prayers for Wrecking Ball to hear from the Lord and experience his closeness this coming week
Prayers for Capsized and his new family as he returns to work on Thursday.
You all challenge and inspire me and I am thankful for that.
Tags: ao-the-furnace, Wrecking Ball, Woody, Paddywhack, Chicken scratch, BeWell (Jorge), Newt, Capsized, Cowbell (Ray Salcido), Philip Hendricks, Stroop
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