Date: 2025-02-04
AO: ao-the-union
Q: CareBear
PAX: Wax On, Wreck-it Ralph, Dovetail, Corn Stock (Garth), Juan Valdez, Paddywhack FNGs: None
Groundhog Day was Feb. 2nd. 2025. Groundhog Day was released in 1993. Seems only right that we pay ohmage to these through an F3 workout. Sorry this Backblast is almost a week old.
WARMUP: Various Warm-Ups were completed!
THE THANG: In the Movie, Bill Murray repeated a few iconic scenes. So we did as well. PAX picked numbers, we assigned the numbers to exercises then, the exercises to scenes. The following was the result.
PAX completed:
Alarm – 10 Lunges OYO (each Leg)
Breakfast – 10 American Hammers (OYO)
Ned – 10 Squats (OYO)
Newscast – 10 Jump Squats (OYO)
Diner – 10 Ranger Merkins
Sweet Vermouth – 10 Heels to Heaven
Slap – Crabwalk/Bear Crawl
Mosey to the light pole and back.
Sorry for the late Backblast!
Tags: ao-the-union, Wax On, Wreck-it Ralph, Dovetail, Corn Stock (Garth), Juan Valdez, Paddywhack
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