F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-the-union Our First Duo


Date: 2025-01-21
AO: ao-the-union
Q: Dovetail , Wax On
PAX: Wax On
FNGs: None
As a prime example of “The Q Must Go On,” YHC was prepared for a solitaire unplanned Q, but thankfully Wax On showed up, and if there’s only 2, it’s a Co-Q!
A bit chilly, but thankfully no wind, which went great with “no plan,” so after a very brief disclaimer, we got down to it. A total of Zero burpees were planned, but Lady Luck stuck it to us anyway in the last round of 3-Card Draw.

Squats IC, Sir Fazzio Arm Circles, Hillbillies

Part 1: Partner Suicides
8 suicides (2 parking lot lines at a time), while partner does Cindy exercises. First was Ruh Rows, then Bench Press, followed by Curls for the Girls. Was going to switch up the MOT from just suicide sprints, but neither Wax On nor I were keen for crab walks or any other animals, so suicides were mutually agreed upon.

Part 2: 3-card Draw
With the F3 Workout Deck, each person draws three cards per round. Closest to 21 is the winner and we do those 3 cards. If tied, do all 6 cards. – 16 squat thrusts, handing off Cindy each time; Apollo Ono’s; Wide-Arm Merkins – Shoulder Taps, Sprint 200M, Hillbillies
– Sumo Squats, Low Squat, Fingertip Merkins (yes we did)
– Low Slow Flutter, Dip, Bear Crawl/Reverse BC
– 60s Plank, Lunges, 100 SSH
– 100 Arm Circles, 10 Burpees, 100 Calf Raises

MARY: Out of time, plus incorporated core to the Thang.


COT: Work to go well for Wax On this morning; prayers for all the Pax to lead with gentleness and compassion.

Tags: ao-the-union, Wax On