F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

ao-the-union The Name Game (w/ a twist)


Date: 2025-03-04
AO: ao-the-union
Q: Wrecking Ball
PAX: Paddywhack, Wreck-it Ralph, Wax On, Corn Stock (Garth)
FNGs: None
The Pax went through the 5 core tenants of F3, then the Q reminded everybody he’s not a professional and to modify as needed

Good mornings – in cadence
Willy Mays Hays – in cadence
Flamingos -OYO
Upper-body warm ups -OYO


Everybody’s F3 name was written on a piece of paper, and each HIM picked one out of the hat and did the exercises that make up that name. When finished, keep playing the game, choose a new name at random, etc… some of us were cursing certain names, and fans of others

*white-board pic in the comments

MARY: Included in the workout (especially if you drew Paddywhack’s name :sunglasses:)

Wax On shared that The Polar plunge is coming, likely the end of March, so keep an eye out.

Krampus is coming… it’s still half-off (of the $0 cost). We’ll pay in other ways

Keep an eye out for the Spring clean-up for our F3 adopt-a-mile


Wax On ‘s son is experiencing the consequences of bad choices, pray for endurance for the parents and soft-heartedness for the 2.0

Wreck-it Ralph has some great things going on in his life ( :raised_hands: ), and somebody seems to see that as a cue to cause harm ( :pray: )

Daffy duck has an interview happening (or coming up soon) for the bomber squad

Paddywhack had a terrible night sleep and his mind has been really active, prayed for peace and rest

Coffee + good conversation after ☕️

Tags: ao-the-union, Paddywhack, Wreck-it Ralph, Wax On, Corn Stock (Garth)

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