Over the Hill and through the parking lot to ORE we go.
Title: Over the Hill and through the parking lot to ORE we go. DATE: 2024-02-22 AO: The Bluff Q: Audit PAX: Wax On Wreck-it Ralph Flounder Dovetail FNGs: None COUNT: 5 EC: Dovetail, Flounder, Audit met for 2 miles pre BD. Flounder & Audit ran 3.3 post BD for double EC, thanks for the push…
Spartan After Parties are… Another Workout
Title: Spartan After Parties are… Another Workout DATE: 2024-02-20 AO: The Union Q: Dovetail PAX: CareBear Audit Capsized Wax On Flounder FNGs: None COUNT: 6 4 Pax out for EC (Audit Flounder CareBear Dovetail) Much soreness after this weekend’s Spartan race, so YHC promised some yoga-y stuff. WARMUP: SSH I.C. to 30, arm circles, Samson…
Chicken Legs
Title: Chicken Legs DATE: 2024-02-17 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Mac PAX: Squash Strat Slice Corn Stock FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: – SSH (20) – Arm Circles (10) – Grass Grabbers (10) – Good Mornings (10) – Neck Rotate (10) THE THANG: – Step-ups (100) – Low Shuffle Mosey – Suicides (2) – Mosey to…
Chocolate Hangover Recovery
Title: Chocolate Hangover Recovery DATE: 2024-02-17 AO: The Furnace Q: Newt PAX: Capsized No Yak Stroop Wrecking Ball , Light Roast FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: LB arm circles BB arm circles Freedom twists Monkey humpers 6:1 motivators Leg swings Open/close gate THE THANG: My Humps, My Humps My Humps My Humps Part 1: Burpee…
It took a whole lot of tryin’ just to get up that hill” -Nelly
Title: It took a whole lot of tryin’ just to get up that hill” -Nelly DATE: 2024-02-15 AO: The Bluff Q: CareBear PAX: Dovetail Audit Wreck-it Ralph Wax On FNGs: None COUNT: 7 This is F3! It took a whole lot of tryin’ just to get up that hill” -Nelly We are F3 Nation! The…
Title: YOU GO, I GO. DATE: 2024-02-13 AO: The Union Q: CareBear PAX: Dovetail Capsized Mac Wax On Corn Stock FNGs: None COUNT: 7 This is F3! YOU GO, I GO. We are F3 Nation! The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male…
Leave no man behind
Title: Leave no man behind DATE: 2024-02-10 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Kata PAX: Audit Corn Stock Dovetail Kata Squash Strat Wax On Walt , Tigger, Cordell FNGs: None COUNT: 10 WARMUP: motivators 1-7 and good mornings. THE THANG: Stop at each station do the exercise(10 reps) then use the method of travel listed to move…
This is F3! Super Bowl LVIII “Mahomes is Soft!” -capsized
Title: This is F3! Super Bowl LVIII “Mahomes is Soft!” -capsized DATE: 2024-02-10 AO: The Furnace Q: CareBear PAX: Capsized Wrecking Ball Gogurt Woody Stroop Blueline CareBear FNGs: None COUNT: 7 This is F3! Super Bowl LVIII “Mahomes is Soft!” -Capsized We are F3 Nation! The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve…
Getting Bendy With It
Title: Getting Bendy With It DATE: 2024-02-08 AO: The Bluff Q: Dovetail PAX: Mac Wax On Audit FNGs: None COUNT: 5 After a balmy calm workout at The Union on Tuesday, today saw winter make an encore. The gloom is real, but having HIMs to share it with makes all the difference, which is true…
Spartan Prep #1 (11 Days Out!)
Title: Spartan Prep #1 (11 Days Out!) DATE: 2024-02-06 AO: The Union Q: CareBear PAX: Dovetail Wax On Mac Slice Flounder Corn Stock CareBear FNGs: None COUNT: 7 This is F3! (in the voice of King Leonidas!) – Spartan Prep #1 (11 Days Out!) We are F3 Nation! The mission of F3 is to plant,…
Try Something New
Title: Try Something New DATE: 2024-02-03 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Slice Squash Strat Sticks Audit Flounder Blueline Mac CareBear , Click FNGs: None COUNT: 11 Rained all yesterday, so there was plenty of moisturizer for our gloves. Ruck started at 0500 with CareBear, Audit, Slice, and Flounder, with Dovetail joining the late ruck…
Leap Years are the B.O.M.B.S.
Title: Leap Years are the B.O.M.B.S. DATE: 2024-02-03 AO: The Furnace Q: Capsized PAX: Newt No Yak Squishy Stroop Woody Wrecking Ball FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Good Mornings Michael Phelps Monkey Humpers Motivators 6 to 1 Plank Jacks Mosey THE THANG: Leaps and B.O.M.B.S. P1 Completed Exercise while P2 completed MOT (Mode of Transportation).…
Mountains, Merkins, and Monkey Humpers Oh My
Title: Mountains, Merkins, and Monkey Humpers Oh My DATE: 2024-02-01 AO: The Bluff Q: Audit PAX: Mac Wax On Wreck-it Ralph Dovetail FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Disclaimer: F3 is a worldwide community of men put together to invigorate leadership by setting small community workouts groups. 5 core principles: Open to all men, free to all…
Picking up and Relying on
Title: Picking up and Relying on DATE: 2024-01-30 AO: The Union Q: Audit PAX: Wax On Slice Flounder Wreck-it Ralph Dovetail FNGs: None COUNT: 6Title Picking up and Relying on Date: 2024-01-30 AO: Q: Audit Pax: Wax On, Dovetail, Slice, Flounder, wreck it ralph FNGs: 0 DRs: 0 Total: 6 Disclaimer: F3 is a worldwide…
The Aluminum Pax Challenge
Title: The Aluminum Pax Challenge DATE: 2024-01-27 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Slice Strat Wax On Mac FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Conditions: Clear, full moon, slight breeze, and humid Small crew in the gloom this morning, and lack of sleep for at least 60% of the Pax, but everyone put in the killer effort…
Let’s HIIT our Goals!
Title: Let’s HIIT our Goals! DATE: 2024-01-25 AO: The Bluff Q: Audit PAX: CareBear Blueline Mac Wax On Dovetail FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Disclaimer: We are a worldwide community of men put together to invigorate leadership by setting small community workouts groups. 5 core principles: Open to all men, free to all men, led in…
This is F3! (in the voice of King Leonidas!)
Title: This is F3! (in the voice of King Leonidas!) DATE: 2024-01-23 AO: The Union Q: CareBear PAX: Audit Dovetail Wax On Mac Wreck-it Ralph Flounder FNGs: None COUNT: 7 This is F3! (in the voice of King Leonidas!) – Make America Burpee Again! (35 Today!) We are F3 Nation! The mission of F3 is…
F3 Jenga! – Make America Burpee Again!
Title: F3 Jenga! – Make America Burpee Again! DATE: 2024-01-20 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: CareBear PAX: Mac Corn Stock Wax On Kata Slice Squash Strat Wreck-it Ralph Croak CareBear wheezy , Cordell, Click, Castro FNGs: 1 Castro COUNT: 14 F3 Jenga! – Make America Burpee Again! We are F3 Nation! The mission of F3 is…
DEATH BY BURPEES! (Spartan Prep.)
Title: DEATH BY BURPEES! (Spartan Prep.) DATE: 2024-01-16 AO: The Union Q: CareBear PAX: Dovetail Audit Wax On Flounder FNGs: None COUNT: 5 We are F3 Nation! The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. “Leave no man behind, but leave…
You don’t know squat
Title: You don’t know squat DATE: 2024-01-13 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Kata PAX: Audit CareBear Dovetail Excel Kata Strat Wax On Squash , Wreck it Ralph, Spike, Tigger FNGs: None COUNT: 11 WARMUP: Motivators 1-7 Copperhead squats, Good mornings THE THANG: Murder bunny to the light and back between each set •50 Goblet Squat (SSH)…