Be the Buffalo!
Title: Be the Buffalo! DATE: 2023-07-01 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: CareBear PAX: Walt Audit Mac Corn Stock Wax On Blip CareBear Bambi Slice , BlueLine, Biscut, Hermit FNGs: 2 Biscut, Hermit COUNT: 12 Welcome to F3! Buffalo Vs. Cows 5 CORE PRINCIPLES: WORK OUT IS FREE OPEN TO ALL MEN HELD OUTDOORS PEER LED ENDS…
Title: KISS Date: 06/24/2023 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Switcher PAX: Walt Slice Audit CareBear Blue LIne Capsized Dovetail Corn Stock FNGs: Graffiti, Water boy, Brick Total: 12 Warm up: goof balls, 5;1 motivators, Abe Vigodas, Grass Grabbers, Learning to fly, Learning to fall The Thing: 10 burpees, 10 air squats, 10 big boy sit ups,…
Title: MARVEL-ous Date: 2023-06-17 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Walt, Corn Stock Capsized BlueLine Sticks CareBear Audit Croak Budget, Squash Bambi Slice FNGs: Craig (Giants), Wesley (Popper) DRs: (anyone posting from out of town – Down Range) Total: 15 Moleskine: Nice big group this morning all eager to NOT do B.O.M.B.S. Popper showed up…
Happy Birthday Army!
Title: Happy Birthday Army! DATE: 2023-06-14 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: CareBear PAX: Audit Dovetail Mac , Sticks, Blueline FNGs: None COUNT: 6 Pax Braved the Gloom to Become 1% Better by Celebrating the Army’s Birthday with a Standard Fitness Test! Welcome to F3! 5 CORE PRINCIPLES: WORK OUT IS FREE OPEN TO ALL MEN HELD…
B.O.M.B.S. over Tucson
Title: B.O.M.B.S. over Tucson DATE: 2023-06-10 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Glory PAX: Slice Huggies Genie Short Circuit Timber Passenger 57 Croak Mac Capsized Corn Stock Audit Wax On Walt Dovetail CareBear Bambi Squash , Cordell, Spike, Blueline, Budget, Sparky FNGs: 2 Budget, Sparky COUNT: 23 INTRO 6 F3 PHX PAX (3 from East Valley &…
Basketball Body Training
Title: Basketball Body Training Date: 06/08/2023 AO: T-Shot – Bluffs Park Q: Audit (Virgin Q) Pax: Dovetail, Mac, Bambi, Slice, CareBear, Flounder (CB 2.0), Blueline (CB2.0), Sticks (CB2.0) FNGs: 0 DRs: 0 Total: 9 Conditions: Sunny and cool Moleskin: 9 HIMs for first F3 Tucson workout on location and first Q for Audit (thanks for…
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Title: Take Me Out to the Ball Game Date: 2023-06-03 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Audit Blip Squash Bambi CareBear spike cordell Wax On Corn Stock FNGs: 1 DRs: (anyone posting from out of town – Down Range) Total: 10 Conditions: Moleskine: 4 showed up for the first EC of Eagle’s Nest this morning…
Memorial Day Murph
Title: Memorial Day Murph Date: 2023-05-29 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Audit Ferrari Slice FNGs: 0 DRs: 1 (Ferrari) Total: 4 Conditions: Nice and sunny. YHC flew in on 2 wheels due to extra calls of nature (Murph jitters?). Slice said he was just there for moral support, but even with a chest cold…
Title: Jericho Date: 2023-05-27 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Capsized, Croak, squash, cordell, mac, Audit FNGs: 0 DRs: (anyone posting from out of town – Down Range) Total: 7 Conditions: perfect Moleskine: Warm-Up: SSH, good mornings, Squat shoulder press IC, time under tension (TUT) boulders, Samson, kimchi, and ceiling, then over to the grass…
Bear With Me…
Title: Bear With Me… Date: 2023-05-20 Where: Eagles Nest Q: Capsized Pax: Blip Corn Stock Mac Slice Croak Audit cordale FNGs: Jack – NoYak Jacob – Roadie Count: 10 HIMs for a beautiful morning! Warmup: Mosey Good mornings (IC) 1×10 Freedom Twists (IC) 1×10 Imperial Walkers (IC) 1×10 Little Baby Arm Circles (IC) 1×10 Monkey…
Black Jack Texas Style!
Title: Black Jack Texas Style! DATE: 2023-05-19 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: CareBear PAX: Capsized Dovetail Audit FNGs: 0 DRs: 1 Total: 4 Moleskine: Welcome to F3! Black Jack! 5 CORE PRINCIPLES: WORK OUT IS FREE OPEN TO ALL MEN HELD OUTDOORS PEER LED ENDS IN A COT DISCLAIMER: ALL OF THIS IS A SUGGESTION, I…
3 to Get Ready
Title: 3 to Get Ready Date: 2023-05-13 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Capsized Squash Wax On, Blip, Audit, Spike, Cordell, Corn Stock FNGs: 0 DRs: 0 Total: 9 Conditions: Perfect Moleskine: Warm-Up: Good mornings, windmills, trunk twists SSH to Spinning SSH Seal Claps to overhead claps Daisy Picker x20 Shoulder Taps Partner Patty Cake…
Silverback Ten
Title: Silverback Ten Date: 2023-05-11 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Rat PAX: Dovetail Audit FNGs: 0 DR: Rat Count: 3 Moleskine: WARMUP: SSH Inchworms :worm: Low Country :crab: High Knee Rope Climbs Lt Dans Mt Climbers/ Calf Stretch Mosey to Parking lot The Thang: Silverback Smash 45 sec work/ 15 sec off (3 Rounds) Silverbacks Side…
2 For the Show
Title: 2 For the Show Date: 2023-05-06 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Skid Capsized Mac Slice Blip Audit, Cordell FNGs: 2, Squash (Squash), Croak (Croak) Total: 10 Conditions: Sunny and (not quite) 75 Moleskine: Today is going to feature short jogs, lots of partner work, and some different martial art influences. Today will really…
1 For the Money: Eagle’s Nest Launch Q, F3 Tucson Launch
TITLE: 1 For the Money: Eagle’s Nest Launch Q, F3 Tucson Launch DATE: 2023-04-29 AO: Eagle’s Nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Corn Stock Mac Walt Wax On Blip Capsized Skid Audit Slice Piccolo, Spike, Cordell FNGs: Dominic, Casey, Dave, Dave, Gene, Jon, Brandon, Christian, Asher, Bryson, Garth, Antonio COUNT: 13 MOLESKINE: Being this was the launch…