ao-the-union F3 Groundhog Day “Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties ’cause it’s cooooold out there today!”
Date: 2025-02-04 AO: ao-the-union Q: CareBear PAX: Wax On, Wreck-it Ralph, Dovetail, Corn Stock (Garth), Juan Valdez, Paddywhack FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Groundhog Day was Feb. 2nd. 2025. Groundhog Day was released in 1993. Seems only right that we pay ohmage to these through an F3 workout. Sorry this Backblast is almost a week old.…
ao-the-furnace (post-Super Bowl) Monday Motivation
Date: 2025-02-10 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Wrecking Ball PAX: Paddywhack, Woody, Capsized, hooligan, Chicken scratch, Mater, Mr. Roboto, Yellow-vator (Joseph) FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Good mornings (in cadence) ‘Pooping in the woods’ + hamstring stretches OYO Toy Soldiers THE THANG: We ran .5 miles all together, then Partnered-up: 1 pax ran the .5 mile lap,…
ao-special-events It’s Superbowl Convergence Time
Date: 2025-02-08 AO: ao-special-events Q: Dovetail , CareBear, Wreck-it Ralph PAX: Blip, Juan Valdez, Strat, CareBear, Wreck-it Ralph, Wrecking Ball, Mr. Roboto, Capsized, Copper Top, Cowbell (Ray Salcido), Paddywhack, Sticks, Corn Stock (Garth), BeWell (Jorge), Philip Hendricks, Waterboy, Buckshot, Foxtrot FNGs: None COUNT: 19 What a beautiful day for some football (or something resembling it)!…
ao-the-bluff Jack and Jill went where?
Date: 2025-02-06 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Audit PAX: Wax On, Juan Valdez FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: SSH Artificial turf grabbers Sir Fazio arm circles & flapjack Copperhead merkins Mosey to stop sign SSH Pavement swipers Copperhead merkins THE THANG: Jack and Jill went up the Hill so we did too. Stop at each fire hydrant…
ao-the-furnace Tag Team
Date: 2025-02-03 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: hooligan PAX: Wrecking Ball, Chicken scratch, Paddywhack, Mater, hooligan, Gabe Estenoz (Valium) FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: danger zone, and grass grabbers THE THANG: two teams in two different locations, one doing dips, pull-ups, and squats, the other doing lunges and push-ups. We met in the middle, listened to Brit…
ao-eagles-nest 10.2.10s and Beyond
Date: 2025-02-01 AO: ao-eagles-nest Q: Audit PAX: Dovetail, Corn Stock (Garth), Squash (Donn Hines), Blender, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Strat, Foxtrot, Buckshot FNGs: None COUNT: 10 WARMUP: Motivators 9-5 Arm circles Seal claps Overhead claps Bolt 45s Copperhead merkins Lap around play ground THE THANG: Indian run to north east corner of park – back man…
ao-the-furnace Smorgasbord aka Rotations in a Rotating Fashion
Date: 2025-02-01 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Newt PAX: Capsized, Chicken scratch, Daffy duck, BeWell (Jorge), Paddywhack, Woody, Frogman FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: LBACs BACs Windmills 7-1 Motivators CH Squats Imperial Walkers THE THANG: With a partner, do 5 minutes at each station then rotate: 1) Agility Ladder – one pax does 20 BBSUs the other…
ao-the-bluff Burpee Step-Ladder of Death… MABA 2025
Date: 2025-01-30 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: CareBear PAX: Wax On, Wreck-it Ralph, Audit, Wheelie, Sandtrap FNGs: None COUNT: 6 Dudes, Move to Tucson they said, it will be fun they said. I showed up exactly at 5:30 due to a FROZEN windshield… What? I am proud of the 5 other PAX who were bouncing and moving…
ao-the-union Dude, Hurry Up!
Date: 2025-01-28 AO: ao-the-union Q: CareBear PAX: Daffy duck, Wheelie, Paddywhack, Corn Stock (Garth), Sandtrap, Dovetail, Wax On FNGs: None COUNT: 8 Welcome to F3! The mission of F3 is to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. F3 is…… •Free of charge. •Open to all…
ao-run-club-otb Run Club @ Cienega
Date: 2025-01-29 AO: ao-run-club-otb Q: Audit PAX: Wax On FNGs: None COUNT: 2 Audit couldn’t sleep after pulling a Wax On (work until after 11 and still get up to workout) and was up at 0430. Wax On also pulled another late night but is used to it so he slept until 0520 and was…
ao-the-furnace Nothing Fancy
Date: 2025-01-27 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Woody PAX: Mater, Paddywhack, hooligan, Philip Hendricks, Woody FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Side straddle hops x 25 Burpees x 10 Copper headed squats x 10 Copper headed merkins x 8 LBAC’s x 10 both directions THE THANG: 4 rounds of: 10 pullups 20 pushups 30 squats 10 burpees Short…
ao-eagles-nest Slow to Grow
Date: 2025-01-25 AO: ao-eagles-nest Q: Slice PAX: Dovetail, Strat, Corn Stock (Garth), CareBear, Squash (Donn Hines), @waterboy @graffiti, 0 FNGs: 1 0 COUNT: 7 Disclaimer I am not a professional trainer. This is a suggestion. This is not a competition, it’s you vs you. You know your body, modify as necessary, don’t hurt yourself. Count-O-Rama:…
ao-the-furnace Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Old Qs ♻️
Date: 2025-01-25 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Gogurt PAX: Edward Mattis, Wrecking Ball, Paddywhack, BeWell (Jorge), Daffy duck, Mr. Schneebly, Chicken scratch, Newt, Gogurt FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Intro – Count-a-rama, 5 things, & disclaimer Warm-Up: • 8 – Good Mornings (in cadence) • 8 – Abe Vigoda (Old Man Windmill) • 8 – Tie Fighters (arm…
ao-run-club-otb Run toward your problems
Date: 2025-01-22 AO: ao-run-club-otb Q: Woody PAX: Wrecking Ball, BeWell (Jorge), Paddywhack, Mater FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Stretch OYO THE THANG: Run to reach your goals! COT: Help me out here, I’m forgetting Tags: ao-run-club-otb, Wrecking Ball, BeWell (Jorge), Paddywhack, Mater
ao-the-bluff Play Your Cards Right
Date: 2025-01-23 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Blip PAX: Wax On, Dovetail, Squash (Donn Hines), Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Arm Circles Copperhead Squats Windmills SSHs THE THANG: Cards Galore – PAX each get a turn drawing a card – Cards 2 – 9 – do the number on the card + 10 reps…
ao-the-union Our First Duo
Date: 2025-01-21 AO: ao-the-union Q: Dovetail , Wax On PAX: Wax On FNGs: None COUNT: 2 As a prime example of “The Q Must Go On,” YHC was prepared for a solitaire unplanned Q, but thankfully Wax On showed up, and if there’s only 2, it’s a Co-Q! A bit chilly, but thankfully no wind,…
ao-the-furnace F3 Cardinal tribute
Date: 2025-01-20 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Chicken scratch PAX: Capsized, Wrecking Ball, hooligan, Mater, Frogman (Phillip), Valium? (Gabe) FNGs: 1 Valium? (Gabe) COUNT: 7 Warm-o-Roma: 15 – Side Straddle Hops 4 is 1 IC 10 – Tempo Merkins 10 – Flutter Kicks 2 is 1 IC 10 – LBAC 4 is 1 IC 10 – Flapjack…
ao-eagles-nest Oldie but a Goodie
Date: 2025-01-18 AO: ao-eagles-nest Q: Audit , Corn Stock (Garth) PAX: Dovetail, Croak, Squash (Donn Hines), Blip, Strat, Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Slice, Foxtrot, Buck Shot FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Oldie but a Goodie @audit led warm up and the first element of the BD and then @corn stock took lead for the main thing. Lots…
ao-the-bluff A Motivational Morning
Date: 2025-01-16 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Dovetail PAX: Audit, Squash (Donn Hines), Wax On, Wheelie, Sandtrap FNGs: None COUNT: 6 THERE WERE NO MOTIVATORS TODAY! I hope the preblast didn’t scare anyone off, but if it did, you missed out! We did, however, do Burpivators, Legivators, Armivators, and unfortunately ran out of time for Abivators. WARMUP:…
ao-the-bluff A Motivational Morning
Date: 2025-01-16 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Dovetail PAX: Audit, Squash (Donn Hines), Wax On, Wheelie, Sandtrap FNGs: None COUNT: 6 THERE WERE NO MOTIVATORS TODAY! I hope the preblast didn’t scare anyone off, but if it did, you missed out! We did, however, do Burpivators, Legivators, Armivators, and unfortunately ran out of time for Abivators. WARMUP:…