F3 Tucson

Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.®️

Category: Uncategorized

  • ao-run-club-otb Run Club @ Cienega

    Date: 2024-12-18 AO: ao-run-club-otb Q: Audit PAX: Budget, Wax On FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Run a lap, walk a quarter. Up to 4 laps. Field runs, out 10 then back pedal 10, then out to 20 and back pedal 10…..all the way down the field with backpedal always being 10. Sprint 20 then 10 merkins.…


  • ao-the-bluff We be Reppin …

    Date: 2024-12-19 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Audit PAX: Wheelie, Sandtrap, Squash (Donn Hines), Wax On, Dovetail FNGs: None COUNT: 6 First we talked about what HC means. Is it headcount, no. Is it holy cow there’s a workout, no. Is it hard commit, yes……. Disclaimer: I am a professional just not a fitness professional so you…


  • ao-the-union A Weird One…

    Date: 2024-12-17 AO: ao-the-union Q: Dovetail PAX: Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Wax On, Corn Stock (Garth) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 A small crew this morning to enjoy the delights of the season with Weird Al Yankovic (and also pullups) WARMUP: (Song: The Night Santa Went Crazy) – SSH – Sir Fazzio arm circles – Imperial Walkers…


  • ao-the-furnace Monday Murph: Running focus

    Date: 2024-12-16 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Woody PAX: Wrecking Ball, Capsized, Paddywhack, Chicken scratch, Mater, Double Tap, hooligan, Woody FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: Little baby arm circles x8, flapjack Danger zone (jumping jacks while listening to Danger Zone, squat any time he says Danger Zone) THE THANG: Run ~1 mile Sets of 5-10-15 pull up,…


  • ao-eagles-nest Not superstitious, just a little stitious!

    Date: 2024-12-14 AO: ao-eagles-nest Q: Wreck-it Ralph PAX: Blip, Wheelie, Squash (Donn Hines), Broccoli, Common Core, Dovetail, Corn Stock (Garth), Buckshot, Archie, Water boy FNGs: None COUNT: 11 WARMUP: Arm circles, forward and back. Lunge stretches, both sides. Wax On inspired side stratle hops. This was a form of travel where we shrunk and grew…


  • ao-the-furnace Chickenscratch’s bottom 10

    Date: 2024-12-14 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Chicken scratch PAX: Capsized, Wrecking Ball, Daffy duck, Double Tap, Gogurt, Mr. Schneebly, Newt, Paddywhack, Woody, Kingpin FNGs: None COUNT: 11 WARMUP: stretches and light jog to literally warm up THE THANG: Borrowing the format from Maul’s backyard burpees beatdown: Start 5 minute timer->Run, exercise, accumulate burpees until time expires…


  • ao-the-bluff 12/12/24

    Date: 2024-12-12 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Audit PAX: Wax On, Dovetail, Wheelie, Sandtrap FNGs: None COUNT: 5 5 core principles: Open to all men, free to all men, led in a rotating fashion, always held outdoors, ends with a circle of trust. You are here on your own free will so please remember to modify as…


  • ao-run-club-otb Run with me

    Date: 2024-12-11 AO: ao-run-club-otb Q: Woody PAX: Mater, Chicken scratch, Paddywhack, BeWell (Jorge), Daffy duck, Woody, Depends FNGs: 1 Depends COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Stretch OYO THE THANG: PAX went out to meet running goals. ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: Paddywhack lost his grandma recently. Prayers for family in this time of grief. Tags: ao-run-club-otb, Mater, Chicken scratch, Paddywhack,…


  • ao-run-club-otb Run Club @Cienega

    Date: 2024-12-11 AO: ao-run-club-otb Q: Audit PAX: Budget, Brandon FNGs: 1 Brandon COUNT: 3 Audit called this morning’s gathering however Budget took Q rights from the get go. OYO stretching and SSH for warmup followed by 4 laps around track. After each lap stop for 10 merkins, Big Boys, and Squats. Then Budget has us…


  • ao-the-union Holy (_) Batman!

    Date: 2024-12-10 AO: ao-the-union Q: Wheelie PAX: Capsized, Corn Stock (Garth), Sandtrap, Wax On, Wreck-it Ralph FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Good mornings Arm Circles Mosey to the basketball court THE THANG: Robin the Wonder Boy’s catch phrase “Holy (_) Batman” was used 378 times. In honor of Batman’s patience with his annoying apprentice, I…


  • ao-the-furnace Monday Motivation Murphy

    Date: 2024-12-09 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Chicken scratch PAX: LZ, Capsized, hooligan, Paddywhack, Mater, Daffy duck FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: had to pay extra attention to the shoulders due to Capsized Pearl Harbor beat down on Saturday. Various stretches like Karen pot stirrers. THE THANG: Started with a brief jog around the park to conclude…


  • ao-the-furnace A Workout Which Will Live in Infamy

    Date: 2024-12-07 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: Capsized PAX: Capsized, Chicken scratch, Mr. Schneebly, Newt, Paddywhack, Woody, Forrest FNGs: None COUNT: 7 “December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” – FDR WARMUP: Good Mornings Forrest…


  • ao-eagles-nest 7am Square of Freedom

    Date: 2024-12-07 AO: ao-eagles-nest Q: Dovetail PAX: Squash (Donn Hines), Blip, Strat, Wheelie, Corn Stock (Garth), Sandtrap, Waterboy, Buckshot, Foxtrot (Archie) FNGs: 1 Foxtrot (Archie) COUNT: 10 A beautiful if a bit cool morning. EC at 6:30 – ruck with YHC, Wheelie, and Sandtrap, leading into a first-for-Eagle’s-Nest start time of 7am to take advantage…


  • ao-the-bluff Rucking All The Way (mostly)!

    Date: 2024-12-05 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Blip PAX: Wheelie, Wreck-it Ralph, Dovetail, Audit, CareBear, Sandtrap, Wax On FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: – Windmills – Tie Fighters – Arm circles w/ lunge positions – Copperhead Squats – Hillbillies – hands clasped behind head alternating raising legs as high as you can THE THANG: – 5 Merkins…


  • ao-run-club-otb Run like you mean it

    Date: 2024-12-04 AO: ao-run-club-otb Q: Woody PAX: Wrecking Ball, Chicken scratch, BeWell (Jorge), Woody FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Got some stretches in on our own. THE THANG: PAX set running goals for the morning and went out to achieve it. All goals were achieved except for successfully taking a non-fuzzy boyband pic. MARY: No…


  • ao-run-club-otb Make a run for it

    Date: 2024-12-04 AO: ao-run-club-otb Q: Wax On PAX: Sandtrap, Audit FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: We stretched for about a minute. THE THANG: Audit and Sandtrap ran in circles. Lots and lots of circles. YHC started running in circles, got bored, and amused himself by running rectangles across the football field. Fun times. Tags: ao-run-club-otb,…


  • ao-the-union Take me off the bench coach

    Date: 2024-12-03 AO: ao-the-union Q: Wax On PAX: Corn Stock (Garth), Dovetail, Sandtrap, CareBear, Wheelie, Paddywhack, Wrecking Ball, Daffy duck FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: 7 to 1 Motivators! 10 Copperhead Squats IC 10 Copperhead Merkins IC 9 LBAC Forwards IC 9 LBAC Flapjack IC 10 Asphalt Swipers THE THANG: Mosey to benches Do what…


  • ao-the-furnace Sweat Is Fat Crying

    Date: 2024-12-02 AO: ao-the-furnace Q: hooligan PAX: hooligan, Double Tap, Paddywhack, Woody, Chicken scratch, LZ, Wrecking Ball, Capsized FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: Side straddle hops, goofballs, sun gods, reverse sun gods. THE THANG: Small laps of the park, burpees (AMRAP), pull-ups (AMRAP). MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Krampus upcoming. 2ndf lunch soon. COT: wrecking ball’s daughter is…


  • ao-eagles-nest 510

    Date: 2024-11-30 AO: ao-eagles-nest Q: Squash (Donn Hines) PAX: Dovetail, Squash (Donn Hines) FNGs: None COUNT: 2 WARMUP: Good Mornings, then mosey over to light post THE THANG: 15-yard course. At one end we did 10 Squat-thrusts, in cadence. Then we traversed. Then we did 10 Merkins (in cadence) at the other end. Then traverse…


  • ao-the-bluff Earn Your Turkey & Pie

    Date: 2024-11-28 AO: ao-the-bluff Q: Wax On PAX: Wheelie, Squash (Donn Hines), Corn Stock (Garth), Wreck-it Ralph, Audit, Budget, Dovetail, Walt (Antonio), Spike, Power Bait, Seymour FNGs: 1 Seymour COUNT: 12 WARMUP: Walk, high knees, high kick stretch, low shuffle, reverse, karaoke, reverse, walk on toes, walk toes out, walk toes in, skip, all done…
